Eco-Friendly Travel Guide to Costa Rica: Sustainable Tourism Tips

Eco-Friendly Travel Guide to Costa Rica

Costa Rica, renowned for its stunning landscapes and rich biodiversity, is a top destination for eco-conscious travelers. With its commitment to sustainability and conservation, Costa Rica offers numerous opportunities to explore its natural beauty while minimizing your environmental impact. This eco-friendly travel guide will help you plan a sustainable trip to Costa Rica, from choosing green accommodations to engaging in responsible activities.

La Isla Tortuga, costa rica
La Isla Tortuga, costa rica

Why Choose Costa Rica for Eco-Friendly Travel?

Costa Rica is a global leader in sustainable tourism, committed to environmental conservation. Approximately 26% of its land is protected as national parks and reserves. The country aims to become carbon-neutral and has implemented various eco-friendly policies. Costa Rica’s rich biodiversity, featuring rainforests, beaches, and volcanoes, makes it an ideal destination for nature lovers and eco-conscious travelers.

Getting There

To minimize your carbon footprint, consider these eco-friendly transportation options:

  • Flights: Choose airlines with strong environmental policies and carbon offset programs. Non-stop flights are more efficient than connecting ones.
  • Carbon Offsetting: Offset your flight’s carbon emissions through reputable programs that invest in environmental projects.

Eco-Friendly Accommodations

Choosing sustainable accommodations is key to an eco-friendly trip. Look for hotels and lodges with certifications such as the Costa Rican Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST). Here are a few recommendations:

  • Lapa Rios Lodge: Located in the Osa Peninsula, this lodge offers luxurious stays while promoting conservation and community development.
  • Finca Rosa Blanca: This coffee plantation resort near San José emphasizes sustainable practices and organic farming.
  • Hotel Belmar: Nestled in Monteverde, this hotel integrates sustainability into every aspect of its operations.

Sustainable Activities and Attractions

Costa Rica offers a wealth of activities that allow you to experience its natural beauty responsibly:

  • National Parks: Visit Corcovado, Tortuguero, and Manuel Antonio National Parks for guided tours that emphasize conservation.


Volcan Irazu National Park, Cartago Province, Costa Rica, eco-friendly travel Costa Rica
Volcan Irazu National Park, Cartago Province, Costa Rica
  • Eco-Tours: Participate in eco-tours that support wildlife conservation and community development, such as sea turtle nesting tours or birdwatching excursions.
  • Adventure Activities: Engage in low-impact activities like kayaking, zip-lining, and hiking with operators committed to sustainability.
kayaking in costa rica
kayaking in costa rica

Eating Green

Costa Rica’s culinary scene supports sustainable food practices:

  • Farm-to-Table Restaurants: Enjoy meals at restaurants like Restaurante Al Mercat in San José, which sources ingredients from local farms.
  • Organic Markets: Visit farmers’ markets such as the Feria Verde de Aranjuez for organic produce and locally made goods.

Eco-Friendly Transportation in Costa Rica

Once in Costa Rica, opt for eco-friendly transportation:

  • Public Transportation: Use buses and shuttles that connect major destinations.
  • Bicycles: Rent bicycles in cities like San José and beach towns for a sustainable and healthy way to explore.
  • Hybrid/Electric Cars: Consider renting hybrid or electric vehicles from companies like Toyota Rent a Car.

Supporting Local Communities

Supporting local communities is crucial for sustainable travel:

  • Local Markets: Shop at local markets for souvenirs and crafts, ensuring your money goes directly to the artisans.

Local markets

  • Community Tours: Engage in tours that support indigenous communities and learn about their traditions and lifestyles.

Tips for Sustainable Travel in Costa Rica

Here are some general tips to make your trip even more sustainable:

  • Reduce Waste: Bring reusable water bottles, bags, and containers to minimize plastic use.
  • Conserve Water: Be mindful of your water usage, especially in areas with limited resources.
  • Respect Wildlife: Observe wildlife from a distance and avoid feeding or touching animals.
read more about Eco-friendly travel guide: The Rise of Sustainable Tourism: Eco-Friendly Travel Tips


Traveling to Costa Rica can be a fulfilling experience that aligns with your eco-friendly values. By choosing sustainable accommodations, participating in responsible activities, and supporting local communities, you can enjoy the natural beauty of Costa Rica while minimizing your environmental impact. Embrace eco-friendly travel and make a positive difference on your next adventure.

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